Thursday, September 27, 2007

Prepare for Trouble

Wow, almost time for me to leave again. A trip that I am not really looking forward to. I would need all my will power to steer me clear of the stressful combat which I know would come my way mercilessly. No smiling faces just troubles. What had I done in this life and even the last to deserve this I have no idea!

Aside from all that, I still have to get my acts together because the trouble or more like the trouble maker is coming soon to stay with me for quite a while. Already she had voiced her numerous requests before she was even here. Ugh!

Well, I guess I just have to practise my beloved darling's philosophy before she left for the stars - Ignoring. Right, I think I am going to do just that, spend a day cleaning up the place for her and ignore the rest!

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