Sunday, September 30, 2007

Toughest Survivor

I was told that goats are the toughest survivor on this planet. The reason is that they would eat anything, grass, tree barks, all kinds of plants including poisonous plants and even dirt. Because they eat everything their immune system must be very good and they hardly ever get sick. The only time they get sick is when they eat too much.

I often wonder if that is true that goats would out live any living creatures on this planet and I saw something today that convinced me that they probably would!

It wasn't a very pretty thing, in fact it was quite gross. I saw one of the young goats drinking his mother's urine while she was peeing. My first reaction was, Ewwwww. Then I remembered a news I heard on the radio a couple of months ago about two brothers who worked in a mine in China. There was an accident and they were buried in the mine. They came out of the mine in the end after 6 days and said that they survived by drinking each others urine.


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