Friday, August 10, 2007

Good News

Of all the places I had been living around the world, be it for a long or short time, Hong Kong is the most efficient place of them all. Although it is such a tiny place (less than a dot on the world map) with such a high density of population, it is surprisingly very well organized and managed. If I have to choose to live a city life in anywhere in the world, I would for sure have chosen Hong Kong.

I was trying to arrange for an elderly from Hong Kong to come to visit me on the other side of the world. Because of her age, the procedure for getting a tourist visa was a little bit more complicated that normal. It required her to have a medical insurance while she was abroad.

After just a few telephone calls with the person in charge in the Consulate represents the country in Hong Kong and the faxing of the insurance documents to them, I got the approval of the visa for the elderly within the same day. That, is what efficiency is! If this Consulate is in another place other than in Hong Kong, it would take weeks or even months I gaurantee you!

So don't have to worry about her until next year! LOL

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