Saturday, August 11, 2007

No Regrets

I was invited to a movie last night. Other than a superb housewife, my Greek wife next door is also a very competent charity fund raiser. This is one of the charity functions she was involved with and for extra contribution to the function, she also bought two charity movie tickets. She was going to go see it with her daughter-in-law at first but due to her tight working schedule, she couldn't make it, thus I became the lucky one.

It was a French movie, La Vie en Rose. It was a movie about the life of the very famous and excellent singer of the century Edith Piaf. She had such a beautiful and powerful voice that no singer in her time or even now could compare with. It wasn't a very happy movie as her life was full of sad events since her childhood. Despite all her fame and glory, she die of cancer at the age of 47.

Over all, it was quite a good movie, mainly because of the excellent performance of the actress Marion Cotillard, who played the role of Edith Piaf. It was also a very long movie, two and a half hour. But even though, it was not enough time to portrait a person with such diversity.

My Greek wife's comment at the end of the movie was: "What an artist, what a voice and what a waste." But in my opinion, there is no such thing as a "waste of an artist's life", for the true artist of course. It was such life of hers that made her who she was, just like the last song she ever sang on stage - Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien (No Regrets):

No, I regret nothing at all
Neither the good done to me or bad
That's just the same to me....

With my memories, I lit the fire
My sorrows, my pleasures, I don't need them anymore...

For my life, for my joys, today they begin with you

And love, is the key to all happiness.

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