Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Piano Lesson

At the age of a grandma, my Greek wife picked up her piano lesson again. Once a week she would sit in front of a piano, learn how to play a little song or two.

"What brought that up?" I asked her. "Got lots of spare time and I want to play the little songs for my grand kids." she replied.

Two grand children she has now, and a third is on the way, from the youngest of her children. The fact that the baby's parents are not legally married is not important. For what is important is that they love each other, they are happy together and they love their baby.

I spent more than two hours helping her practice. It wasn't easy for her as her fingers weren't as flexible as they used to be when she was young. But she was determined and persistent. She wanted to get it right so she can play for her grand children.

So, other than helping her with computer stuff, I am also in demand for piano practicing. Good thing I don't have to teach her or I have to give up my sleeping time I bet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for her. The lovely lady knows how to enjoy her life.