Sunday, August 5, 2007

Nagging my head off

First couple days I got back from China, I had a pretty good time schedule-wise. I got the things I needed to take care of for this trip all sorted out. Although I still had a terrible time adjusting the departing with my baby like every such time, I am getting better in recent years by thinking of the time we spent and will spend together.

Everything was going all quite smoothly until someone started to nagging my head off by talking about all these mind torturing things from before I was born until 3 o'clock in the morning. It was all triggered by jealousy over a little 9 years old girl - my baby girl.

It was my baby girl's birthday the next day so I had a little telephone conversation with her asking her what kind of presents she would like for her birthday and so on. It was all innocent kids talk, funny and happy. What I didn't realize was that someone in the next room was eavesdropping and started this tantrum of accusations towards me from late night all the way to the early morning, even with me already laying down in bed.

I was truly surprised that how someone at such age could say something so silly, stupid and even hostiled over the jealosy of an innocent little girl who's like her grand daughter. I was also amazed that someone could torture their own child with such extensive hatred and claimed that it was love.

It drives me nuts, feeling depressed and wanted to kill someone, seriously! And missing my baby doesn't help a tiny bit!

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